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Collaboration in book about entrepreneurship
The members of Consilience, together with some of our collaborators, have participated in the book "Creative Learning for Entrepreneurship" published by Octaedro Publishing. Each of us, in our area of ​​expertise, have contributed our vision on creative learning aimed at entrepreneurship.
CiBis and Consilience collaborate on a project with assistance dogs to reduce stress in university students
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Program of dog assisted activities on academic stress levels in university students
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Tv show Andalucía Directo echoes the first activities of the «Stressless: take my paws» program that we are carrying out in the Faculty of Education Sciences, with the aim of promoting the well-being of the students in the University of Granada through assisted intervention with dogs.
Published book
Is now available the book "Después de El origen de las especies. La teoría darwiniana, paradigma de hoy" (After The Origin of Species. Darwinian theory, today's paradigm)
New book
Our collaborator, Professor Botella, has published a fascinating new book on the history of Physical Anthropology in Spain.
I Conference "Scientific education of citizens. Knowledge and acceptance of the theory of evolution".
In January 2023, we organized this conference of academics and invited teachers with the aim of highlighting the deficiencies in the teaching of the theory of evolution at all educational levels and the need to promote this knowledge among citizens, who should be well informed on scientific issues to critically and responsibly face the political, social and demographic challenges that arise in our society.
From these conferences arose the project of publishing a book that would collect what was discussed.
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UGR participates in an Erasmus+ project on the development of entrepreneurship skills through creativity in education (article in Spanish)
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